Generally available summer + winter 




HALF COW: $7.5 a pound USD ( hanging weight )

DEPOSIT: $150$ ( goes towards total )



By participating in a meat share you are purchasing half a cow from us. Cows will be delivered by us to the Mantanza, C4 in Tierra Amarilla, for processing. All processing fees are paid to them.

Each half has a hanging weight of around 125-175 pounds. Take home weight is usually around 60% of hanging weight due to trimming and water loss in aging. 

All of our meat cows are raised with love and grazed on high desert natural pastures and hay baled by us, with the addition of Redmonds natural salt rockas, clean well water, and the occasional apple when we’re pressing.

These cows are part of a regenerative system and have never been given any grain, antibiotics, steroids, vaccines, fed food with chemical fertilizers, or anything other than what was mentioned above.

Cows will be processed at the Mantanza specific to your desires, dry aged and vacuum sealed and labeled for your freezer. We have our recommendations from working with the processor if desired.

Shipping is available and additional, generally around $300.



Send us an email with the subject line ‘MEAT’ to Sheddinnerprojects@gmail.com

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