A day in the west with Tacovas
This summer felt like one of the quickest and busiest we've experienced so far. To be honest it usually always feels that way, but this year Flora Ines was in our lives and having a little less physical help from Maida made a big difference. This is all to say that this was one of the most, if not the most, beautiful yet, just not an easy one.
July is usually one of the craziest months for us and we had scheduled a few dinners in between processing hay and the hundred other summer tasks. Mid month we received a message from Ellery asking if we would be interested in a shoot with Tacovas for a short video series she was conceiving called 'A day in the west' where we would be the first video. The date they had proposed was just after a string of dinners and was on Maidas birthday, so we were reluctant at first, but felt really good about the concept so we agreed to spend a day around the ranch with the team.
The day started with sunrise coffee at our house where we got ...