2023-10-31Johnny Ortiz

¬ Each year as summer starts to wean and the apple trees are full of ripe and juicy apples we begin apple picking season. This is a practice I have been participating in since 2016, that with each year grows both in our interests and production. Apple season is always a nice reprieve for us these days because it marks a break from hot days spent on hay and fencing among many other things into cool days shaking trees with friends drinking thick golden apple nectar like bears. It is always a reminder of the abundance around us.


Throughout the rest of autumn we will be pressing the apples we've collected and stored in our underground cellar to ferment using wild yeasts and bottle for the following year. This is the time of year when this cocktail is best, especially with cider straight from the press.


↓ NOTE  

Though this is a recipe, it is largely a launching point. Each of these i...

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