TOMO dinner ( buds series )

2023-05-29Johnny Ortiz
¬ As we welcome the new year we were reflecting on all the things we had done in 2022, and one of the highlights was a trip to the west coast where we cooked a dinner for the series BUDS at TOMO, which is a small restaurnt in Whitecenter WA, ran by Brady Ishiwata and a small team of amazing humans. The pastry chef Richard Garcia and I grew up together in Taos. When we were asked to take part of their BUDS series we were quick to say yes. It also happened to be around Maida’s birthday so it was a good excuse to take a trip away from the ranch. 

I have always wanted to have a space that I could cook / serve food to the music I listened to. Something that had the intimacy of a small lively punk show. Though I have that in someway with / shed currently, TOMO was refreshing in the way that they have built a space that allows for that lively energy. The entire meal was served to ‘Title Fight’ radio. Title fight is one of my favorite groups of a...
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